Research-Proven Reading Program for Pre-K-5 Students
Built on the science of reading, Lexia® Core5® Reading is a research-proven program that accelerates the development of literacy skills for students of all abilities, helping them make the critical shift from learning to read to reading to learn.
Acceleration For All
Elementary school years are a pivotal time for reading development, serving as the foundation for learning across all subjects. However, the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) consistently shows that approximately 60% of fourth-grade students are not reaching reading proficiency and the COVID-19 pandemic has widened disparities in educational opportunities. Without focused instruction, these children will face even greater challenges in achieving literacy.
Core5 was developed with a mission to mitigate that gap. Built on the science of reading, it provides equitable learning opportunities for all students, promoting their success and well-being. Core5 follows an adaptive blended learning model that offers explicit, systematic, and personalized reading instruction. This approach allows educators to deliver differentiated literacy instruction to students of all abilities. By using Lexia’s research-proven program, Core5 effectively reduces the risk of students not meeting grade-level standards while providing accelerated and on-track students the instruction they need to thrive.

Engaged Students

Core5 supports student agency and growth mindset, giving students a choice over their path and pace through the program, along with awareness and ownership of performance and progress. The program provides an environment of encouragement with an understanding that learning is ongoing and provides students a safe place to try, fail, and retry.
Empowered Educators

Based on student performance in the online program, Core5 alerts and recommends specific intervention and practice resources, empowering educators to focus on what matters most: delivering just the right instruction at just the right time.
Improved Outcomes

While many reading programs may be described as research-based, Core5 is research-proven to improve learning outcomes. Core5 is evaluated by using rigorous scientific methods and has been found effective with a variety of populations to help close the literacy gap in as little as 10 weeks.
Key Features
Adaptive blended learning model
In Core5’s three-step adaptive blended learning model, students are motivated by their own success as they follow their own personalized learning paths. Core5 makes student performance data easy to access and simple to interpret, and teachers have the resources they need for face-to-face instruction and independent student practice.
Real-time actionable data to inform instruction
Lexia’s patented Assessment Without Testing® (AWT) technology provides teachers and administrators a full view of progress by student, class, school, or district without stopping instruction to give a test— saving teachers up to a MONTH of instructional time by:
- Identifying student risk levels
- Predicting future performance
- Prescribing instructional intensity
- Providing real-time data and action plans
Research-based and research-proven
The quantity and quality of efficacy research on Core5 is unparalleled, with 20 peer-reviewed and published research studies that meet the standards of evidence required under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Core5 received a "Strong" rating—the highest ranking available—from Evidence for ESSA, and the National Center on Intensive Interventions (NCII) reported positive effects favoring Lexia users over non-users in all reviewed studies.

Three-step instructional branching
Core5 provides explicit, systematic, and adaptive learning, scaffolding students if they struggle, providing guided practice or even direct instruction on the specific error type, and advancing them to higher levels as they demonstrate proficiency.
Core5 Scope & Sequence
Core5 provides all students—from at-risk to on-level and advanced—a systematic and structured approach to six areas of reading: phonological awareness, phonics, vocabulary, structural analysis, automaticity/fluency, and comprehension. The program creates a personalized learning path for each student through an adaptive placement and scaffolded activities that align to rigorous state standards.

Mobile technology for students and educators
Students can access Core5 in the classroom, on the go, and at home using desktops/laptops (PC, Mac, and Chromebook) and tablets (iPad and select Android models). No matter the platform, students have full program access and can move between supported devices seamlessly. Additionally, the myLexia® educator platform on web browser, iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch brings student, classroom, and school-level performance data to your fingertips, allowing educators to leverage the power of data-driven action plans for students anytime, anywhere.

Proven by Users
Cookie Cutter Doesn’t Cut It: How a Research-Proven Reading Program Led to Growth
All edtech is not created equal, as Principal Alexandra Prieto learned. She had been using literacy technology for her students but was unhappy with the results. She switched to Core5® and found it benefitted her native English speakers and her Emergent Bilinguals.
The percent of students working in or above grade level in Core5 increased from 48% to 95%.
Proven by Users
Lexia’s Core5: A ‘Top-Notch’ Data-Driven Literacy Platform for Michigan Educators
Before, During, and After the Pandemic: Core5 Helps Michigan Educators Take Reading Scores to New Heights with 93% NWEA Growth Rate.
“I never dreamed that there would be acceleration support for kids like what we have now with Lexia.” Christine Cyporyn, Waterford School District Title I Coordinator
Proven by Users
Investing In Emergent Bilingual Literacy Leads to National Assessment Success
Marietta City Schools has one of Georgia's largest Emergent Bilingual populations. When educators implemented Lexia® literacy software, it resulted in confident students, proud families, and significant improvements among students of all ages.
“Our goal was to find a program that supports both language and literacy, and Lexia has demonstrated that support. Our data is reflective of that."
All For Literacy
A new podcast
Translating the science of reading into actionable instruction to achieve real equity in our classrooms.
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Try Core5 Reading
Preview the Core5 Reading student experience. The full program also provides educators with ongoing student data and the appropriate resources to address each student’s needs.
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