Core5 and PowerUp: Guided Pathways to Pre-K–12 Literacy Success
Technology directors have the challenge of identifying resources and supplemental curriculum programs that successfully address the widening literacy opportunity gap among students in their districts. Multiple studies, including third-party and peer-reviewed studies, have demonstrated the efficacy of Lexia® Core5® Reading and Lexia® PowerUp Literacy® Adaptive Blended Learning programs in closing those gaps. Together, the two programs help educators address literacy challenges throughout students’ K–12 academic careers, facilitating literacy at every level.
Rest easy knowing Core5 and PowerUp are proven to help students from Pre-K to high school. With both programs receiving strong ratings from Evidence for ESSA, investing in Lexia solutions is an investment that will continue to benefit students for years to come.
Core5 has been the subject of more than 10 peer-reviewed efficacy studies in the last 10 years. The program accelerates foundational and advanced literacy skills for all elementary students. During the 2022–2023 academic year, Core5 helped almost half (41%) of students who were two or more grade levels behind raise their performance to grade level or reach grade-level benchmarks. The program has proven effective with student groups in need of strong pedagogical support such as Emergent Bilinguals, students in low-socioeconomic environments, and students in special education.
PowerUp has undergone five peer-reviewed efficacy studies and five validity reports. The program serves as an intervention for middle and high school. PowerUp accelerates the development of both fundamental literacy skills and higher-order thinking skills through adaptive learning paths. More than half (53%) of students using the program during the 2022–2023 school year made gains of three or more grade levels.
See examples of the results that Lexia solutions can provide, from Pre-K to high school.