Hayesville Primary School
Champion for Change Award, February 2024
For exemplary leaders of systems who have used data to align literacy strategies that are impacting exemplary student outcomes.

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For exemplary leaders of systems who have used data to align literacy strategies that are impacting exemplary student outcomes.
For exemplary leadership in guiding a system through a shift to the science of reading. Hands down, no excuses!
For exemplary leaders who have guided in unique or innovative ways to shift the system culture to support science of reading implementation and sustainability.
For exemplary leaders of systems who have used data to align literacy strategies that are impacting exemplary student outcomes.
For exemplary leadership in guiding a system through a shift to the science of reading. Hands down, no excuses!
For exemplary leadership in guiding a system through a shift to the science of reading. Hands down, no excuses!
For exemplary leadership in guiding a system through a shift to the science of reading. Hands down, no excuses!
For exemplary leaders of systems who have used data to align literacy strategies that are impacting exemplary student outcomes.
For exemplary leaders of systems who have used data to align literacy strategies that are impacting exemplary student outcomes.
For exemplary leadership in guiding a system through a shift to the science of reading. Hands down, no excuses!
For exemplary leaders who have guided in unique or innovative ways to shift the system culture to support science of reading implementation and sustainability.
For exemplary leaders of systems who have used data to align literacy strategies that are impacting exemplary student outcomes.
For exemplary leadership in guiding a system through a shift to the science of reading. Hands down, no excuses!
For exemplary leadership in guiding a system through a shift to the science of reading. Hands down, no excuses!
For exemplary leadership in guiding a system through a shift to the science of reading. Hands down, no excuses!
For exemplary leaders of systems who have used data to align literacy strategies that are impacting exemplary student outcomes.
For exemplary leaders of systems who have used data to align literacy strategies that are impacting exemplary student outcomes.
During the April 2021 legislative session, North Carolina legislators passed an act to modify the implementation of the Read to Achieve legislation to attain statewide reading proficiency by the third grade. SESSION LAW 2021-8 SENATE BILL 387 identifies educators as pivotal in the role of reading instruction and requires every pre-K–5 teacher to be highly equipped with the knowledge and skills to apply the science of reading. This legislation prioritizes the need for systemic and explicit reading instruction in the early grades and reinforcement of these practices in the higher grades. It also reiterates the need to provide additional support and offer intervention techniques for struggling students.
This student-centered legislation ensures children develop the skills and techniques needed to become successful readers, through proven, evidence-based practices. North Carolina is writing a new chapter, with a renewed focus on instruction, to create a new future for the state and improve outcomes for all students.
“We have teachers who have fundamentally changed the way they teach, and that takes guts, that takes commitment, and that takes dedication to learning. Our teachers have done the hard work to support student learning and we are seeing results. We couldn't be more proud of our teachers and the literacy work they are doing.”
Pinehurst Elementary School Results
“Literacy instruction at Pinehurst Elementary School has been transformed as a result of our LETRS training that began in 2020-21. Our implementation of the science of reading has created an intense focus on the research-based best practices that support all students as readers. Since implementation began, we are now seeing fewer students requiring reading intervention and fewer students requiring referrals for special education. As educators, our team is truly now empowered to ensure every student will become a proficient reader."
“We have teachers who have fundamentally changed the way they teach, and that takes guts, that takes commitment, and that takes dedication to learning. Our teachers have done the hard work to support student learning and we are seeing results. We couldn't be more proud of our teachers and the literacy work they are doing.”
Pinehurst Elementary School Results
“Literacy instruction at Pinehurst Elementary School has been transformed as a result of our LETRS training that began in 2020-21. Our implementation of the science of reading has created an intense focus on the research-based best practices that support all students as readers. Since implementation began, we are now seeing fewer students requiring reading intervention and fewer students requiring referrals for special education. As educators, our team is truly now empowered to ensure every student will become a proficient reader."
“We have teachers who have fundamentally changed the way they teach, and that takes guts, that takes commitment, and that takes dedication to learning. Our teachers have done the hard work to support student learning and we are seeing results. We couldn't be more proud of our teachers and the literacy work they are doing.”
Developed by Dr. Louisa Moats and leaders in the field of literacy, LETRS teaches the skills needed to master the foundation and fundamentals of reading and writing instruction—phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and written language.
LETRS for Elementary Educators is an investment in teachers’ literacy knowledge and professional practice. Teachers gain essential knowledge to master the fundamentals of literacy instruction required to transform student learning.
LETRS for Early Childhood Educators professional learning provides deep knowledge of literacy instruction for the youngest learners. The more children know about language and literacy before they begin kindergarten and first grade, the better equipped they are to succeed in literacy learning and beyond.
LETRS for Administrators equips instructional leaders to create systems and structures in their schools and districts to achieve high levels of academic performance and growth in literacy.
LETRS gives our teachers the tools they need to ensure that the instructional decisions made each day are intentional, based on student need, and grounded in the science of reading. Teaching reading is complex, yet our educators and leaders are prepared to meet that challenge because they will be equipped with evidence-based practices that improve reading outcomes for every student.
In preparation for LETRS in 2019, Wake adjusted our K-2 curriculum to reflect alignment to the science of reading. More specifically, we helped our teachers make connections between specific phonics foundational skills and the integration of decodable texts. Our goal is to ensure that appropriate instructional time and resources lead to all students successfully reading on grade level by the end of third grade.
The science of reading through LETRS training has transformed the reading program at Freedom Trail Elementary. We began SoR implementation last year and have seen tremendous growth in our students' ability to read and comprehend. Our teachers are more confident in their abilities and see firsthand the results of LETRS training and the SoR implementation. The Reading Rope has come to life at Freedom Trail—it has been a game changer for our children and community.
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“Science of Reading” (SoR) means evidence-based reading instruction practices that address the acquisition of language, phonological and phonemic awareness, phonics and spelling, fluency, vocabulary, oral language, and comprehension that can be differentiated to meet the needs of individual students.
Visit the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Science of Reading page for more information.
A host of resources related to LETRS, the science of reading, and Structured Literacy is available to give you additional insight.