Kansas LETRS
Science of Reading Professional Learning Course

Empowering Kansas teachers to improve student literacy through evidence-based professional learning
The Kansas Department of Education provides a sustained and job-embedded science of reading professional development opportunity statewide to support evidence-based reading instruction, improve grade-level reading proficiency, and close achievement gaps across the state.
Through this course of study, educators develop evidence-based foundational knowledge and skills to deliver explicit instruction that positively affects systematic change in literacy outcomes. These impactful courses are based on Lexia® LETRS® (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling), Lexia® LETRS® for Administrators, and Lexia® LETRS® for Early Childhood Educators.
These KSDE-funded courses are being offered at no cost to educators in KSDE-accredited schools and Kansas higher education teacher preparation programs.
Why is this needed in Kansas?
The impact of COVID-19 has been pronounced among early learners, for whom the development of reading and writing skills is critical to success in all subjects and later grades. As research indicates, students who are not reading proficiently by the end of third grade are four times more likely to not finish high school.
Faculty from teacher preparation programs across the state value LETRS. They are participating and integrating information into their programs.
Science of Reading Licensure Requirements
As part of the Kansas Science of Reading Licensure Requirements, beginning July 1, 2028, Kansas veteran educators will be required to demonstrate knowledge of the science of reading to renew their professional license.
Who should enroll in LETRS?
Lexia LETRS for Elementary Educators is approved for any Kansas educator at any level who provides reading instruction to students in an accredited public or private school and college/university faculty who teach literacy courses in a KSDE-approved teacher preparation program, including:
- Elementary general education teachers
- Special education teachers
- Title teachers
- ESOL teachers
- At-risk teachers
- Reading specialists/interventionists at any level
- Building principals
- Curriculum leaders
- Special education-related service providers (school psychologists, speech language pathologists, etc.)
- University faculty who teach literacy courses in Kansas teacher preparation programs
Lexia LETRS for Early Childhood Educators is approved for any Kansas educator who supports early learning for children in pre-K programs, including:
- Preschool-aged at-risk (state pre-K 4-year-old at-risk) teachers
- Kansas Preschool Pilot (KPP) teachers
- Early Childhood Special Education teachers
- Head Start teachers who teach pre-K students
- District-funded preschool program teachers
- University faculty who teach early childhood literacy courses in Kansas teacher preparation programs
Lexia LETRS for Administrators is approved for any Kansas administrator within KSDE-accredited schools, including:
- District administrators
- District curriculum leaders
- Building principals
For more information, visit the TASN web page.
Questions about LETRS training and registration?
Access your LETRS Account
For assistance, contact customer support:
800-507-2772 or
The Kansas Science of Reading Professional Learning Courses are part of the state’s comprehensive plan to address potential learning loss that resulted from the shift to emergency remote instruction due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Several colleges and universities have courses that allow individuals to receive college credit for full completion of the professional learning course.
Participants may sign up for credit through the American College of Education (ACE).
What is LETRS?
Developed by Dr. Louisa Moats and leaders in the field of literacy, LETRS teaches the skills needed to master the foundation and fundamentals of reading and writing instruction—phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and written language.
LETRS for Elementary Educators is an investment in teachers’ literacy knowledge and professional practice. Teachers gain essential knowledge to master the fundamentals of literacy instruction required to transform student learning.
LETRS for Early Childhood Educators professional learning provides deep knowledge of literacy instruction for the youngest learners. The more children know about language and literacy before they begin kindergarten and first grade, the better equipped they are to succeed in literacy learning and beyond.
LETRS for Administrators equips instructional leaders to create systems and structures in their schools and districts to achieve high levels of academic performance and growth in literacy.
Dr. Randy Watson

Building a solid foundation in early literacy skills is critical to a child’s long-term academic success. This is one of the many reasons the Kansas State Board of Education has placed such a high priority on early literacy. By investing in early literacy training for our educators, we are investing in the future success of each Kansas student.
Louisa Moats, Ed.D.

Teachers are the most important factor in student success. Informed teachers can
explain language to students, including sounds, spellings, and word meanings that might
be confusing. They use lessons based on reading science and understand the process of
learning to read and write. Research proves it. Science matters.

Questions about LETRS Professional Learning?
Looking for FAQs? Questions about what is included? Need more information about how to view your assessment scores? Want to learn more about Bridge to Practice Activities?
Questions about the Kansas LETRS Science of Reading Course?
Resources for Literacy Learning
A host of resources related to LETRS, the science of reading, and Structured Literacy is available to give you additional insight.
How Can We Help?
State Contacts
Laurie J. Curtis, Ph.D.
Lexia Contacts

Robyn Rogers