Faced with tighter budgets, shifting enrollments, and expiring federal relief funds, K–12 leaders are carefully allocating resources to ensure they invest in programs that truly boost student success. To secure alternate funding, many sources now require proven, evidence-based strategies that drive academic achievement for every learner.
The Challenge

No Matter the Funding, Lexia Can Help!
School leaders have a variety of funding sources to support and accelerate literacy growth. Lexia's evidence-based solutions are eligible for essential pre-K–12 federal, state, and local funding programs. Leveraging these diverse funding options will allow district leaders to meet ambitious literacy goals and foster enduring improvements in student reading and writing skills.
Lexia’s evidence-based solutions qualify for many key pre-K–12 federal funding programs.

How Lexia Can Support Your Goals
Lexia® offers a comprehensive range of science of reading-based solutions that empower every educator and student. By connecting professional learning, curriculum, and embedded assessments, we help translate educator knowledge into real-world instruction to accelerate literacy gains. Our solutions support a variety of key priorities, including:
Professional learning
Identifying and addressing interrupted learning
Summer learning/enrichment/after school/extended day
Supporting diverse student populations
Remote learning
Education technology

Proven To Accelerate Learning
All of Lexia’s products, from Lexia® Core5® Reading to Lexia® PowerUp Literacy® and Lexia English Language Development™ can help district leaders address interrupted learning and accelerate learning. In a national study of more than 12,000 students conducted during disruptions in the 2019-2020 school year, Core5 helped prevent learning loss and accelerated reading growth for all pre-K–5 students during the pandemic. Eighty percent of students using Core5 did not experience learning loss. Forty percent of students accelerated their learning, surpassing their projected NWEA MAP® Growth™ goals.

Lexia Supports Equitable Instruction
Lexia’s literacy and language programs are research-proven, Adaptive Blended Learning solutions that accelerate language and reading skills development and provide teachers with data-driven action plans to help differentiate instruction for each student and address unfinished learning. More than 20 externally reviewed research studies prove Lexia helps all students learn regardless of race/ethnicity, socio-economic, Emergent Bilingual, or special education status. Core5, PowerUp, and Lexia English can be funded through various sources and meet the eligibility criteria for equitable instruction, accelerated learning, and effectiveness.

Lexia LETRS and Aspire Professional Learning
With Lexia’s professional learning solutions, all teachers in a student’s educational journey, elementary and secondary, can understand and apply the science of reading and get the funding support they need. Lexia® LETRS® Professional Learning (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling) Suite, our evidence-based literacy professional learning solution for pre-K through third grade teachers, shows teachers and administrators how to implement instructional routines and activities that differentiate instruction to meet the literacy needs of all students.
For school leaders seeking professional learning specifically designed to meet the wide range of needs for educators of adolescent students, Lexia Aspire® Professional Learning provides a flexible, self-paced, digital solution that uses the science of reading to help educators weave literacy skills and strategies into their instruction so they can support learners to read, comprehend, and articulate their ideas across various subjects.
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