View this resource to learn how Lexia® programs for Alabama can accelerate literacy growth for all students using high-quality instruction built on the science of reading.
State Resources
Lexia Core5 Reading Evaluator’s Guide
Lexia® Core5® Reading empowers Michigan teachers with real-time data, flexible implementation, and personalized, research-based instruction that drives meaningful, lasting growth. By seamlessly gathering assessment-quality data without pausing instruction, educators gain targeted insights to differentiate support, raise performance, and ensure success on key state benchmarks.
Reasons To Choose Lexia English Language Development for Washington State
Washington’s schools serve diverse student populations. Lexia English Language Development™ is a flexible, evidence-based solution that can help all students boost achievement. Data-driven instruction, real-time progress monitoring, and teacher-led resources are tools to build lifelong speaking, listening, and grammar skills for lasting success.
Florida Impact Report
Educators at underperforming Florida schools didn’t just hope for tangible reading gains. By implementing Lexia® Core5® Reading, these educators saw a significant 1.5-point average boost in scores—and a remarkable three-point lead for fifth grade students—outperforming similar schools on the FAST ELA assessment.
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