Enid Public Schools, OK
Training Educators and Administrators in LETRS Professional Learning Improves Literacy Outcomes in Oklahoma's Enid Public Schools
Enid Public Schools (EPS) includes one high school, three middle schools, 11 elementary schools, an adult learning center, and an early childhood center. The district educates more than 7,400 students. It has seen enrollment increase by 1,600 students during the past decade. Similar growth is expected in coming years.
Before adopting Lexia® LETRS® training, the district's fourth and fifth grade students were struggling with reading, despite data showing they had mastered their foundational reading skills. Since it was likely there was an issue with a lack of systematic, explicit instruction in foundational literacy skills.
After review and research, Enid Public Schools leaders offered LETRS, a professional learning course, to its educators. Introducing LETRS districtwide allowed for complete integration throughout Enid’s many schools. This made it possible for the district to support student mobility between schools since students who switch sites would no longer lose any learning time.
LETRS training has given educators confidence in the content, scope, and sequence involved with teaching reading, as well as providing a Structured Literacy approach to building oral and written language skills. Educators are given the tools to enrich their lesson plans and positively impact the lives of their students.
In addition, customer service from the LETRS implementation team allowed EPS to move quickly and efficiently with training and integration.
The results were dramatic.
In just eight weeks, the percentage of first through third grade students in remediation decreased from 34% to 23%. District leaders also reviewed screening data in terms of how students performed compared to the state average. In first through third grade, students across Oklahoma demonstrated that 48% were proficient in reading, compared to an impressive 73% at EPS.