Hancock Place School District, St. Louis, MO
Choice Overload: St. Louis Elementary School Chooses Proven Professional Learning to Help All Students Read
Hancock Place Elementary School is a part of the Hancock Place School District, one of the oldest school districts in St. Louis. It is one of the first districts to earn a “AAA” rating (the highest possible) from the Missouri State Department of Education. This elementary school is home to nearly 1,500 pre-K–5 students, all of whom receive free and reduced lunch.
When Dr. Jill Wright, principal at Hancock Place Elementary, and her administrators did an in-depth analysis of reading instruction at the elementary school, they recognized there were stark inconsistencies from classroom to classroom because of the myriad ways literacy was taught. Without a consistent method of teaching literacy, school leaders knew student literacy growth would suffer.
Dr. Wright recommended Lexia® LETRS® (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling) literacy professional learning. She had been inspired by how effective her early career training was during the Missouri Reading First initiative.
Dr. Wright believed LETRS would work because it is comprehensive professional learning designed to provide early childhood and elementary educators and administrators with deep knowledge to be literacy and language experts in the science of reading.
The results were impressive. Read how second grade reading scores started to soar in just four months.