4 Ways to Celebrate Student Success with Lexia
As an educator, we know you’re always looking for ways to motivate your students—and this year has brought all-new challenges.
Research has shown that students who are intrinsically motivated—those who are deeply engaged in their own learning—adapt better to a classroom environment and perform considerably higher academically than unmotivated and unengaged peers.
So, how can a blended learning solution like Lexia’s programs help?
Autonomy, competence and relatedness/meaning are key factors in motivation—and these factors are built in to Core5 and PowerUp.
For example, in Core5, you can print or send customized achievement certificates for skills gained and levels completed (relatedness/meaning):
In PowerUp, the student dashboard helps students set and manage goals and encourages them to take ownership of their learning (autonomy):
But many Lexia educators get creative, going above and beyond those features to recognize student success in the (physical or virtual) classroom, school, and wider community—creating a culture that celebrates reading achievement.
Here are four ways your colleagues celebrate student success:
1. Create classroom leaderboards.
Many students love a little friendly competition! Using myLexia, you can track the number of minutes spent in the online program or the number of units gained each week. Post the top students for the week on your bulletin board or virtual classroom.
Involve the whole class in cheering for the Lexia leaders of the week!
Since each student is working at their own reading level, this approach celebrates effort and progress, no matter where they start.
2. Give out prizes.
Depending on grade level, some teachers give out yummy treats, dollar-store prizes, or donated gift cards from a local arcade or restaurant as rewards for completing levels or achieving weekly goals.
While students are learning from home, some teachers and paraprofessionals have even delivered the prizes—a novelty in itself and a way to connect with the educator.
3. Make school-wide displays and announcements.
Get the entire school community involved in celebrating success:
Post Lexia achievement certificates in the hallway
Create an art display that students add to when they finish levels
Shout out individual students or classrooms with the highest usage on the morning announcements or school newsletter
Have a parade down the hallway for students who complete the program
4. Get families involved.
Use the parent letters in the myLexia Resource Hub, which are available in multiple languages, to introduce Lexia’s programs to caregivers.
But don’t stop there—keep families involved by sending home progress reports and achievement certificates and encouraging caregivers to join you in celebrating their students’ accomplishments with high fives!
With permission, many educators post photos of students with their achievement certificates to social media to get the community involved. One teacher even made a lawn sign to send home!
How do you celebrate student success with Lexia? Share your story here or tag us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!